
Functional interface to graph methods and assorted utilities.


degree(G[, nbunch, t])

Return the degree of a node or nodes at time t.

degree_histogram(G[, t])

Return a list of the frequency of each degree value.

density(G[, t])

Return the density of a graph at timestamp t.

create_empty_copy(G[, with_data])

Return a copy of the graph G with all of the edges removed.


Return True if graph is directed.

add_star(G, nodes, t, **attr)

Add a star at time t.

add_path(G, nodes, t, **attr)

Add a path at time t.

add_cycle(G, nodes, t, **attr)

Add a cycle at time t.


nodes(G[, t])

Return a list of the nodes in the graph at a given snapshot.

number_of_nodes(G[, t])

Return the number of nodes in the t snpashot of a dynamic graph.

all_neighbors(graph, node[, t])

Returns all of the neighbors of a node in the graph at time t.

non_neighbors(graph, node[, t])

Returns the non-neighbors of the node in the graph at time t.


interactions(G[, nbunch, t])

Return the list of edges present in a given snapshot.

number_of_interactions(G[, u, v, t])

Return the number of edges between two nodes at time t.

non_interactions(graph[, t])

Returns the non-existent edges in the graph at time t.

Freezing graph structure


Modify graph to prevent further change by adding or removing nodes or edges.


Return True if graph is frozen.

Snapshots and Interaction Stream


Generate a temporal ordered stream of interactions.

time_slice(G, t_from[, t_to])

Return an iterator for (node, degree) at time t.


Return the ordered list of snapshot ids present in the dynamic graph.

interactions_per_snapshots(G[, t])

Return the number of interactions within snapshot t.

inter_event_time_distribution(G[, u, v])

Return the distribution of inter event time.